Nejoblíbenější destinace
Co Vám Můžeme Nabídnout
Různé destinace
Nabízíme velký počet zájezdů do různých destinací. S námi máte nespočet možností!
Vše Je Zahrnuto
O nic se nestarejte! Postaráme se o let, hotel , dopravu a další!
Dostupné Ceny
V naší agentuře máme různé cenové kategorie. Jak student tak i byznysmen si u nás může dovolit zájezd!
Co o nás řekli naši zákazníci

I’m very satisfied with the service and our wonderful journey. Me and my husband visited Europe and saw so many famous cities! We had no worries with the transfer, hotels and other stuff - we just had a wonderful rest! Goroad are true professionals and they indeed know their business. Thank you!

Thank you for your great service and amazing trip I had! I’m a student and I dreamed of a big journey on my holidays. Agents helped me with my route, booked hotel rooms for me and gave awesome tips about travelling. I always wanted to try solo travelling, and I’m going to do it! Thank you, guys!

I loved my vacation in Dubai! I was advised by the agent to pick this destination because of its warm climate and high quality service. I agreed and was very satisfied with my rest! I’m planning to get back for my next vacation! I’m going to explore Europe this time. Hoping for a superb time! Thank you!